Tuesday, October 11, 2022

This Week October 11, 2022


Dear Folks,


I hope you enjoy the lovely Fall day!


My Prayer Day is this Thursday, October 13.  If you have any joys or concerns you would like me to raise up, please let me know.
This Sunday, October 16, is the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The scripture is Psalm 121. The sermon is "Helpers".  We will be celebrating a baptism.  The service will be on-site and Facebook live-streamed.
Sunday School will be during the church service on the second and third Sundays of the month. 
Confirmation Class is happening!  Parents, if you are interested in having your Ninth Grader or older involved, please contact me ASAP.
Thank you to everyone who has returned their "Faith Promise"/Pledge Card.  If you have not done so, please do!  Your generosity keeps our ministry going!
VALLEY REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROJECT-- VRRP group has moved forward with full funding, team organization, and potential housing to settle a well vetted and needy refugee family! Volunteers needed! Donations are welcome! You can drop your donation in the basket on Sundays or you can use the on-line option on our website. For more info, contact the church office.
FUNDS FOR CLEAN-UP BUCKETS NEEDED - With all the recent and pending storms, Women’s Fellowship is collecting monetary donations for Church World Service Clean up buckets. Checks may be made out to HCC with “Buckets” on the memo line. You can drop your donation in the bucket on Sundays or you can use the on-line option on our website. The need now is urgent. Thank you.
The Valley food Bank at Spooner House – food needed:  shelf stable milk and powdered milk, pancake mix and syrup, peanut butter and jelly, canned fruit and applesauce, garbanzo and navy beans, canned tuna and chicken, oatmeal and other cereals, and pasta sauce.  There is a box in the Alcove and also the “wishing well” in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Also, our Blessing Box needs to be stocked. Please be generous!
Please continue to support HCCUCC with your contributions.  Now more than ever, our mission of being the beacon of love and light on the Huntington Green and beyond is vital. Contributions sent in by mail are welcome. Please consider donating at our website, www.huntingtonucc.org. Electronic Fund Transfer giving is also available. Please email the church, hcc@snet.net if you would like a form to set that up. Any way you give is a blessing and is greatly appreciated.
Let us pray.  Thank you so much for the beauty of Autumn, O God.  It reminds us of the diversity of your creation and the magnificence of your power.  Amen.
In Christ's love,
Rev. Lucille


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