Friday, March 4, 2022

Ukraine Appeal

 Dear Folks,


If you are like me, you may be thinking, "What can I do about the illegal war in Ukraine?".  


Well, first of all, pray.  Pray for peace.  Pray for safety.  Pray that hard hearts would be softened. Pray, pray, pray.


Second, give.  The United Church of Christ Emergency Ukraine Appeal is targeting the most in need:


Ukraine Emergency Appeal - United Church of Christ (


You can give directly from this website, or you can give through HCCUCC, noting "Emergency Ukraine".  


There are also other charities to whom you may also want to give.


Another effective way to give locally to Ukraine is to book nights at an Airbnb in some Ukrainian city.  This helps individuals and families directly.  I have two nights booked in Kyiv for March 7-9.  Send a note of support to your host.  Slava Ukraine!


Third, work for justice and peace in our own communities.  The ripple effect can be amazing.


Fourth, take care of yourselves and your loved ones.  These are very stressful times, on top of a pandemic.  We are already emotionally exhausted.  Be gentle and nurturing.  Don't sweat the small stuff.


Fifth, remember you are, we all are, God's Beloveds, eternally loved.  We are not alone; we have never been alone.


In Christ's love,

Rev. Lucille



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