Tuesday, November 9, 2021

This Week November 9, 2021

Dear Folks, 

Veterans' Day is this coming Thursday.  Please take a moment to thank and honor them for their service and sacrifice.


My Prayer Day will be on Thursday, November 1.  Please let me know if you have any joys or concerns you would like me to raise up.


This coming Sunday, November 14, is the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost.  The scripture is Mark 13:1-8.  The sermon is "Birthpangs".   We will be worshiping in person and also live streaming on Facebook at 9:30 A.M. 


The Pumpkin & Holly Fair is quickly approaching.  Help is needed in many areas.  We especially need help this Sunday, November 21 for set up after worship.  So no need to dress up for the service, and be ready to help!


Also, we are looking for home baked breads, cookies, bars or brownies for the P&H Fair bake table. All items should be wrapped in clear plastic. Cookies can be in one container; we will repackage them into party bags.  All items need to be clearly marked with what it is, especially noting potential allergens:  nuts, seeds, etc. Bake table items should be delivered to Fellowship Hall kitchen on Friday, Nov 19th before the start of the fair. There will be someone in the kitchen starting at 9 A.M.


P&H Fair signs are in the alcove for people to take and display. They also need to be returned after the Fair. You will find post cards in the alcove that you can share or drop off at a place of business such as hair dressers or any place that has a bulletin board for the public announcements.   
The Valley Food Bank at Spooner House is running low on food. Specifically needed items are:  shelf stable milk and powdered milk, pancake mix and syrup, peanut butter and jelly, canned fruit and applesauce, garbanzo and navy beans, canned tuna and chicken, oatmeal and other cereals, and pasta sauce.  There will be a box in the Alcove and also the "wishing well" in Fellowship Hall for your donations.  Please be generous!

Once again, Women’s Fellowship is collecting items to make bags to be given out to homeless individuals. Last year our church members took bags and handed them out when they came across someone in need. It was a successful ministry for us and certainly a necessary one as so many are without a home. With winter coming, we are again collecting items. Please take a sheet from the table in the alcove to see what items you can donate. Thank you!

Please continue to support HCCUCC with your contributions.  Now more than ever, our mission of being the beacon of love and light on the Huntington Green and beyond is vital. Contributions sent in by mail are welcome. Please consider donating at our website, www.huntingtonucc.org. Electronic Fund Transfer giving is also available. Please email the church, hcc@snet.net if you would like a form to set that up. Any way you give is a blessing and is greatly appreciated.
O God, may your divine wisdom help us to see beyond our petty frustrations to the wideness of your love and the vastness of your purpose for us.  May we trust in you.  Amen.
In Christ's love,
Rev. Lucille

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