Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This Week August 11

Dear Folks,

Yes, the day is dreary and wet, but we do need the rain!  Besides, the rainy days make the sunny days all the more bright!

We offer our deepest condolences to the Jones Family on the passing of Philip.  His Memorial Service is planned for Friday, November 13, 1 P.M. at HCCUCC. 

This Wednesday's Concert on the Green will feature "Radio Waves".  The Men's Group will be selling hot dogs and the Vitality Team will be handing out free water and a sign up for a free gift card.  We are still in need of water for the remaining Wednesdays, so a donation of water would be appreciated! Whatever we have left will go for the Car Show.

This coming Sunday, Rita Boland will be sharing the message.  On Sunday, August 23, James Bruni will be sharing the message.

Don't forget to come to the 3rd. Annual Bruce Hartel Memorial Car Show on Sunday, August 30, noon to 4 P.M. Admission is free!! Donations of water, soda, and gift cards would be greatly appreciated before hand!

O God of the sun and of the rain, we trust, that whatever life hands us, your loving, strong, and steadfast presence is with us.  Help us to rely on you.  Amen.

In Christ's love,
Rev. Lucille

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